S. Şensoy, "Harnessing the Potential of Underutilized and Indigenous Vegetables (UIVs): A Pathway to Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition Security," In AGRICULTURE, FOREST AND AQUATIC SCIENCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE , İzmir: Duvar Yayınları, 2024, pp.212-234.
Şensoy, S. Harnessing the Potential of Underutilized and Indigenous Vegetables (UIVs): A Pathway to Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition Security. 2024. In AGRICULTURE, FOREST AND AQUATIC SCIENCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE , Duvar Yayınları, İzmir, 212-234.
Şensoy, S., (2024). Harnessing the Potential of Underutilized and Indigenous Vegetables (UIVs): A Pathway to Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition Security. AGRICULTURE, FOREST AND AQUATIC SCIENCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE (pp.212-234), İzmir: Duvar Yayınları.
Şensoy, Suat. "Harnessing the Potential of Underutilized and Indigenous Vegetables (UIVs): A Pathway to Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition Security." In AGRICULTURE, FOREST AND AQUATIC SCIENCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE , 212-234. İzmir: Duvar Yayınları, 2024
Şensoy, Suat. "Harnessing the Potential of Underutilized and Indigenous Vegetables (UIVs): A Pathway to Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition Security." AGRICULTURE, FOREST AND AQUATIC SCIENCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE , Duvar Yayınları, 2024, pp.212-234.
Şensoy, S. (2024) "Harnessing the Potential of Underutilized and Indigenous Vegetables (UIVs): A Pathway to Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition Security", AGRICULTURE, FOREST AND AQUATIC SCIENCES IN THEORY AND PRACTICE . İzmir: Duvar Yayınları.
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