M. Aslan, "An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL)," In Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences , İzmir: Duvar Yayınevi, 2023, pp.63-80.
Aslan, M. An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL). 2023. In Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences , Duvar Yayınevi, İzmir, 63-80.
Aslan, M., (2023). An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL). Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences (pp.63-80), İzmir: Duvar Yayınevi.
Aslan, Mehmet. "An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL)." In Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences , 63-80. İzmir: Duvar Yayınevi, 2023
Aslan, Mehmet. "An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL)." Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences , Duvar Yayınevi, 2023, pp.63-80.
Aslan, M. (2023) "An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL)", Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences . İzmir: Duvar Yayınevi.
@bookchapter{bookchapter, author ={Mehmet Aslan}, chaptertitle={An Innovative Teaching Method: Blended Mobile Language Learning (BMLL)}, booktitle={ Pioneer and Contemporary Studies in Educational Sciences}, publisher={Duvar Yayınevi}, city={İzmir},year={2023} }