H. KİRİKTİR Et Al. , "Investigation of Science Lesson Exam Anxiety, Psychological Resilience Levels and Decision-Making Skills of Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Students,," In Actual Research in Mathematİcs and Science Education , Konya: Egitim Publishing Group, Inc, 2022, pp.5-30.
KİRİKTİR, H. Et Al. Investigation of Science Lesson Exam Anxiety, Psychological Resilience Levels and Decision-Making Skills of Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Students,. 2022. In Actual Research in Mathematİcs and Science Education , Egitim Publishing Group, Inc, Konya, 5-30.
KİRİKTİR, H., ÖNAL KARAKOYUN, G., & ASİLTÜRK, E., (2022). Investigation of Science Lesson Exam Anxiety, Psychological Resilience Levels and Decision-Making Skills of Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Students,. Actual Research in Mathematİcs and Science Education (pp.5-30), Konya: Egitim Publishing Group, Inc.
KİRİKTİR, HASAN, Gülen Önal Karakoyun, And EROL ASİLTÜRK. "Investigation of Science Lesson Exam Anxiety, Psychological Resilience Levels and Decision-Making Skills of Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Students,." In Actual Research in Mathematİcs and Science Education , 5-30. Konya: Egitim Publishing Group, Inc, 2022
KİRİKTİR, HASAN Et Al. "Investigation of Science Lesson Exam Anxiety, Psychological Resilience Levels and Decision-Making Skills of Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Students,." Actual Research in Mathematİcs and Science Education , Egitim Publishing Group, Inc, 2022, pp.5-30.
KİRİKTİR, H. ÖNAL KARAKOYUN, G. And ASİLTÜRK, E. (2022) "Investigation of Science Lesson Exam Anxiety, Psychological Resilience Levels and Decision-Making Skills of Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Students,", Actual Research in Mathematİcs and Science Education . Konya: Egitim Publishing Group, Inc.
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