Türkiye'nin Ovalık Tuzlu Topraklarında Arbusküler Mikorizal Fungusların Topluluk Yapısı ve Biyo-Gübre Üretimi için Yerli Baskın Fungal Türlerin İn Vitro Çoğaltım Olanakları Üzerine Çalışma

Rezaee Danesh Y.

UFUK 2020 Projesi, 2019 - 2021

  • Proje Türü: UFUK 2020 Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Temmuz 2019
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 2021

Proje Özeti

Salinization of soil is a serious problem and is increasing steadily in many parts of the world, in particular in arid and semiarid areas. Saline soils occupy 7% of the earth’s land surface and increased salinization of arable land will result in to 50% land loss by the middle of the 21st century. This project was establish to: a) Isolation and enumeration of AMF spore populations in soils of different sampling sites showing a gradient of salinity, b) Determination of Mycorrhizal colonization indices on different host plants in sampling saline sites, c) Relationship among different soil physico-chemical features and AMF spore population and mycorrhizal colonization indices, d) Diversity and community composition assessment of AMF species in different sampling sites based on morphological and molecular methods and f) In vitro mass propagation of AMF prevalent species in laboratory conditions. For this purpose, Soil and root samples were collected from different regions including Ankara, Eskisehir, Igdir, Samsun, Izmir and Konya. From 75 collected soil samples, 28 samples selected based on five EC groups. Different physicochemical parameters were measured in all soil samples. Significant differences observed among soil samples EC in sampling regions. 24 different host plants in all sampling regions were also identified, dried and kept in institute herbarium. Significant difference observed in spore density among soil samples in different regions based on host plant species as well as soil parameters. The minimum and maximum average of spore density observed in Konya region from the Suaeda maritima and in Eskisehir region from wheat rhizospheric soil, respectively. The Eskisehir soils had the highest spore numbers and Samsun had the least spore numbers mean among the sampling regions. Host plant roots cleared and stained for observation mycorrhizal colonization as well as colonization indices assays (F% and M%). Fungal structures including mycelia, vesicles and arbuscules observed in all root samples. F% index had no significant difference among soil samples but the M% index were different except of Samsun soil samples. Three way ANOVA showed the significant effects of sampling regions, soil parameters as well as host plant species on Mycorrhizal colonization (M%). The highest and the least total averages of spore numbers, F% and M% obtained in samples collected from Eskisehir and Samsun regions, respectively. So, it seems that the most fungal spore numbers in the samples means the most values of mycorrhizal colonization. Pearson correlation analysis was also confirmed the positive significant correlation between spore density and root colonization index (M%). For morphological identification of AMF species, trap culture was established using white clover as host plant in greenhouse condition for 120 days. Then, microscopic slides prepared from isolated AMF spores. Species identification was carried out based on spore morphology and wall characteristics using standard manuals and specialized websites. Then, different biodiversity indices were measured. Totally, 33 definite and 1 undefinite AMF species were identified from 12 genera, 6 families and 4 orders. The diversity of fungal genera as well as species was heterogenous among soil samples. It means that some fungal genera or species only observed in specific regions or samples. Also, the dominant AMF genus was Glomus with the most identified species. Samples from Eskishehir and Samsun had the most and the least species richness values, respectively which is in agreement of the results of Spore density and colonization indices. On the other hand, R. intraradices determined as dominant fungal species with the highest values of FO, RA and IV indices. Gigaspora gigantea found as the rarest fungal species in all sampling regions due to the least IV value. Jaccard index showed the most similarity of AMF species between Eskishehir-Konya regions (0.74) as well as Ankara-Igdir regions (0.74). Also, the least similarity observed between Ankara-Izmir regions (0.34). Species richness (SR) mean ranged between 5.33 in Samsun to 14.67 in Eskishehir. Shannon index (H) average varied between 0.99 in Samsun to 1.76 in Eskishehir. Comparatively to Hmax, Eskishehir and Konya regions presented the higher AMF biodiversity. The Eveness index ranged between 0.73 in Samsun to 0.98 in Eskishehir. High Equitability or Eveness values obtained in Eskishehir and Konya regions (close to 1) testified to an equitable distribution of AMF species. Lowest E value in Samsun region referred to the presence of some rare species, which were unequal distributed. The ecological conditions of Eskishehir and Konya regions seemed to be favorable for all AMF identified species and offered equal survival opportunity. Results of correlation between important soil parameters with AMF biodiversity parameters showed that soil EC, available P and K had negative effects on all of AMF biodiversity indices. Also, soil texture is an important factor in AMF biodiversity. Soil organic matter had most significant positive effects on fungal species richness, Shannon index as well as Eveness index in different sampling regions. Results of carrot transformed hairy roots showed that two kinds of roots started forming on the carrot discs after 8-10 days. The first type was delicate, aerial hairy roots without any growth after cutting from the discs and rotted after one week. In contrast, the second type was slightly thicker transformed roots. One desirable characteristic of these transformed roots was their ability to quickly form numerous lateral roots. Another characteristic observed in transformed roots was the inversion of their geotropic habit of growth. Roots were initiated from the both sides of the discs. Hairy root initiation continued to occur from 8-10 days to 3-4 weeks. For In vitro propagation of AM fungi, we used two systems: Root organ culture system using the transformed hairy roots and AM-Plant in vitro culture system by sandwich methods. The fungal spores, sporocarps as well as AM colonized root fragments were selected as propagules. The fungal propagules were disinfected using the treatments consisting of Chloramine T with antibiotics. After disinfection process, only fungal spores and sporocarps could be germinated without any other infection and used for further co-cultivation process. In our study, the spores of Rhizophagus intraradices and sporocarps of Funneliformis mosseae were germinated after 7 and 19 days followed by disinfection and culturing on MSR medium without any infection. In root organ in vitro culture system, after initial contact between the germ tube and the transformed root, the intercellular colonization took place around the 12th and 20th day in
R. Intraradices and F. Mosseae, Respectively. During next 18-20 days, multiply laterial branches on the root and media surface by extensive hyphal proliferation could be observed. After that, rapid enlargement of mycelium in the form of clusters and the formatiom of new spores was observed within 30 to 45 days. In sandwich method, we used the sterilization/scarification of Medicago sativa (alfalfa) seeds using sodium hypochlorite followed by placing the seeds in Petri plates containing 40ml MSR medium without sucrose and vitamins. The seeds were germinated within 3-5 days. Two AM fungal species, Rhizophagus fasciculatus and Claroideoglomus etunicatum were propagated by this system. The life cycle of fungi in this method was slightly different from root organ culture method. The spores of R. fasciculatus and C. etunicatum were germinated 3-5 days and 5-7 days after inoculation, respectively. The pattern and intensity of spores were similar to
in vitro culture studies using transformed roots. The growth of germinating hyphae in both species in order to find the host roots and thus make the first contact with them were much faster than root organ culture method. The germinating hyphae were able to establish intitial contact with host roots after 24-48 hours. The growth and development of the extra radical mycelia networks were strarted 2-3 days after the first contact between the fungus and the host root and continued until the end of the study period (1 month). Development of hyphal networks in R. fasciculatus was very extensive and often 13-12 days after the establishment of symbiotic association between the fungus and the host roots, the extra radical mycelia were spread in all the plate. The first spores were also observed 20 days after inoculation. In the case of species C. etunicatum, the first spores were formed 13 days after inoculation. These spores were morphologically similar to the inoculated spores and were approximately 85 μm in diameter. Soil and root samples DNA was extracted in triplicate using DNA extraction kits. All DNA samples were stored at −20°C until PCR amplification. DNA was extracted successfully from all root and soil samples with A260/280 ratio of 1.8-1.97 as well as more than 100ng/µl DNA which are good values for quantity and quality of extracted DNA for PCR amplification. Based on reviewing all the molecular studies on AMF, we decided select sequences from small subunit (SSU) of rDNA region for Nested PCR-DGGE amplification. In addition, based on literatures, we selected the AM1, NS31, Glo1 and
NS31-GC primers for PCR amplification. The nested PCR was carried out in two rounds. The first PCR was done with AM1/NS31 primers and the second PCR was done with Glo1/NS31-GC primers. AMF 18S rDNA fragments of approx. 195 bp were successfully amplified from samples by the nested PCR approach. The Nested PCR product (20 µL) was subsequently analyzed by DGGE system. The gels containing 6.5% acrylamide were poured with a gradient of 35%–55% denaturant. The gels were then stained with SYBR Green, illuminated with ultraviolet light and digitally photographed. The observed bands exhibited good resolution, visible intensity and distinct DGGE fingerprints characteristics with different intensities indicating a different AM fungal community structure in each sample. Based on the analysis of DGGE profiles, it was clearly seen that the AMF communities in the soils were different from those in the corresponding plant roots. For fingerprinting analysis, the DGGE patterens with distinctive bands were selected. Totally, 21 samples including 12 soils and 9 root samples were analyzed. For determination of ecosystem diversity, we used the species richness (SR) and Shannon-Wiener index () in soil and root samples of each sampling regions. Similarities between DGGE patterns were calculated by generating the dendrogram utilizing the clustering method UPGMA. The species richness (SR) and the Shannon-Wiener index () of AMF communities showed remarkable differences among the six sampling regions in the soil and root samples. It could be concluded that the most and the least species richness and diversity observed in soil and root samples from Eskişehir and Samsun regions, respectively. The results obtained by DGGE fingerprinting analysis is in accordance with the results obtained by morphological analysis. AMF community composition by cluster analysis of DGGE profiles showed two main clusters. The first cluster included IZ1-2 and IZ1-5 soil and root samples. The second cluster was divided in two main subclusters including one Izmir soil sample (IZ3-1) as a separate group and all the soil and root samples from Eskişehir, Konya, Samsun, Igdir and Ankara regions. The samples from Eskişehir and Konya clustered together in subcluster 1. The results showed that the subcluster 2 was divided in 2 more subclusters. The samples from Konya and Igdir put together in one subcluster. In addition, the soil samples collected from Ankara consisted another subcluster. The result of this clustering was in accordance with the results obtained from Jaccard similarity index of AMF species in sampling regions. Single dominating DGGE bands (21 bands, M1-M21) were excised from the acrylamide gel for further phylogenetic studies. DNA was eluted and amplified with primer pair NS31/Glol. The PCR products were recovered on 1% agarose gel, purified, cloned with pGEM-T Easy vector followed by transformation into Escherichia coli DH5α competent cells. The positive clonal plasmids were sent to BM Yazilim Danis. ve Lab. Sis. Ltd. Şti, Anakar-Turkey for sequencing. Sequences from DGGE bands were edited in MEGA 6.0 and their similarities were determined using the BLASTn program. The sequences were multiple aligned with the sequences from major clades of Glomeromycota with more than 95% homology using the CLUSTALX program. The neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm was used to construct phylogenetic relationship among DNA sequences using MEGA 6.0 with bootstrap values of 1000 replicates. The DNA sequence fragment lengths of all 21 bands were approximately 200 bp. The results of the BLAST showed that all the sequences had high similarity
(greater than 97%) to the sequences from members of Glomeromycota. The M2, M3, M6 and M17 bands had the highest similarity (100%) with the Funneliformis caledonium, F. mosseae, uncultured Pacispora and Paraglomus occultum species, respectively. The M1, M4, M7, M12, M14, M15, M19 and M21 bands were belonged to Rhizophagus fasciculatus, Rhizophagus intraradices, Funneliformis constrictum, Gigaspora margarita, Acaulospora spinosa, Acaulospora koskei, Claroideoglomus claroideum and Archaeospora trappei species, respectively with 99% similarity. The M5, M9, M10, M11, M13, M16 and M18 bands had 98% similarity with Funneliformis geosporum, Gigaspora gigantea, Acaulospora laevis, Gigaspora margarita, Gigaspora decipiens, Glomus versiforme and Glomus macrocarpum species, respectively. The M8 band had high similarity with Rhizophagus clarus (98%) and Rhizophagus manihotis (99%), respectively. Also, the M20 band had the same similarities with Claroideoglomus lamellosum (98%) and Claroideoglomus etunicatum (99%), respectively. It is supposed that other primers for 18SrDNA, 28SrDNA or ITS regions could be used for discrimination of these bands. All the DGGE bands (M1-M21) belonged to 9 AMF genera including Rhizophagus, Funneliformis, Pacispora, Gigaspora, Acaulospora, Glomus, Paraglomus, Claroideoglomus and Archaeospora; 17 definite and 1 indefinite species (uncultured Pacispora) and 4 uncertain species (Rhizophagus clarus, Rhizophagus manihotis, Claroideoglomus lamellosum, Claroideoglomus etuniactum). We compared the results obtained by molecular analysis with morphological identification. The results showed that some species could not be identified by molecular analysis. Also, regarding the Paraglomus genus, in morphological analysis the P. bolivianum was identified while, in molecular analysis the P. occultum was obtained. It is supposed that needed for further studies to exact identification of fungal species. On the other hand, in molecular studies the Pacispora robigina could not be identified and the band was similar to sequences belonged to uncultured Pacispora. In morphological studies, the Archaeospora genus was identified but without any defined species, while, in molecular analysis it was concluded that the species is Archaeospora trappei.