Matematik ve Fen Alanında Uluslararası Araştırmalar II (Mart 2021), Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nevin AKDURA, Editör, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya, ss.98-137, 2021
In this study an approximation of the new interface state density is examined and this study reveals a set of new interface state density formulae by using traditional approximation. As opposed to the conventional approximation, the new interface state density formulae provide outstanding values from the conventional interface state density values in the case of forward and the reverse bias. These new interface state density formulae show a stable performance. The former interface state density formulae were proposed by Card and Roderick in 1971 and were developed by Horvath, 1988. Their Nss formula contains the oxide thickness in the metal-semiconductor interface region. Distinctively, the new interface state density formulae do not contain the oxide thickness. Besides, the interface thickness was developed by the authors, and it is seen that it depends on a reverse way of ideality factor and reverse way of depletion length. The new interface state density formulae depend on the applied voltage and value of a built-in potential for the case of both situations. The authors suggested an approximation that a new calculation is the difference of the effective energy (Ec-Ess) nearly the conduction band. The most interesting plots are appeared.