15. Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Kültür Araştırmaları Kongresi, İstanbul, Turkey, 21 - 23 May 2022, no.49062, pp.88-94
A literary text is a fictional structure that is equipped with the compositional maneuvers of the creative writer and represents an intricate network of relations. This fictional structure is established by various strategies that imply or reveal the ontological bond with the author. The image of author is an important critical perspective that enables these strategies to be identified. Through the image of author, the ideological units that the aesthetic form of the literary text tries to hide or point out become obvious. In this context, the author places a fictive disguise of his or her biological essence that he or she has established with the story, in other words, his or her imaginary twin, in the text with various reflections. The image of author as a critical perspective examines the conditions for the fictional participations of the creator. The author's interventions in the course of the story play a leading role for the reception of the text by the reader. Because, with each intervention textual authority changes hands. In this sense, the act of reading acquires a reflexive momentum in itself. The image of author establishes its relationship with ideology through the preferred centers and descriptive emphases of compositional flow. In this context, the image of author is the form of vision guaranteed and inculcated by the text. The stories of Adalet Ağaoğlu are distinctive literary texts established with this dynamism of the image of author. The image of author emerges in a structure that directs the choice of scenes and narrative order in her stories and reveals the ideological densities of the stories through a creative reading. The fictional nature of the stories is reminded through certain signs and tip-offs. The identity of the narrator is questioned in the fiction for credibility. The image of author, which occupies a leading position, calls into question the preferences and discourse of the narrator and foreshadows certain events. With the image of author rhetorical and didactic forms of expression permeate compositional discourse. In this sense, Ağaoğlu's stories transcend the traditional narrative act through the image of the author and take an innovative position in Turkish literature. The aim of this study is to examine the image of the author as an innovative form and ideological representation in the stories of Ağaoğlu.