Measurement of Health Services Vocational School Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors About Radon: Van Province Example

Erzen Yıldız H., Demir C., Kul A. R.

Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi Institute of Natural and Applied Science Journal, cilt.17, sa.1, ss.36-42, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


Almost 50% of the natural radiation that is constantly present in our environment is caused by radon gas and its short-lived decay products. Radon (222Rn) is a gas and can become trapped in closed spaces and rise to dangerous levels. Because 222Rn is colorless, odorless and tasteless, it is impossible to detect without special equipment and may not be perceived as a health risk by the public due to these properties. It is important to investigate individual risk perception in order to prevent the negative health effects of radon. In this study, which aimed to determine the knowledge and awareness of students studying in Radiotherapy and Medical Imaging Programs regarding radon gas, a survey consisting of 15 questions was applied to the participants. According to the findings, 54.2% of the participants stated that they had heard of radon and 51.1% stated that radon was harmful. The rate of those who responded that school was their source of information was 33.3%, and most of them were 2nd grade students. The rate of those who did not know the causes of radon in residences was 47%. Although the proportion of those who think that radon testing should be done in homes is high (86.3%), there are many who do not know how to test (94%). The study showed that the level of knowledge about radon among the participants is not high enough. Considering the carcinogenic effect of radon, there is a need to create more awareness among the members of the society.