Uluslararası Anadolu üzüm Kongresi, Adıyaman, Turkey, 9 - 10 March 2022, pp.3-4
This study was carried out Hıyan Asması, Güz
Üzümü, Çilistirik, Sinciri, Vakkas, Güz Kaşmiri, Elazığ Üzümü, Keçi Memesi, Dana Gözü and
Elazığ Kırmızısı grape varieties grown on their
own roots in Muş province in 2019. Aim of this
study was to determine the winter bud fertility
and the optimum pruning level in grape varieties investigated. Bud fertility of grape varieties
(number of bunches/bud) were determined by
counting number of bunches on shoots obtained
by forcing shooting one bud cuttings which taken
from 1-10. nodes of one-year old shoots. It was
determined that highest bud fertility (number of
bunches/bud) was 5rd node level in Vakkas (1.91),
Elazığ Üzümü (1.63) and Dana Gözü (1.86) grape
varieties and was 4rd node level in Güz Kaşmiri
(1.52), Çilistirik (1.75), Sinciri (1.82), Keçi Memesi
(1.34) and Elazığ Kırmızısı (1.72) grape varieties
and was 3rd node level in Hıyan Asması (1.36) and
Güz Üzümü (1.54) grape varieties. As a result of,
Vakkas, Elazığ Üzümü and Dana Gözü grape varieties have to be medium-long pruned from 5rd
bud and Güz Kaşmiri, Çilistrik, Sinciri, Keçi Memesi and Elazığ Kırmızısı grape varieties have to
be medium-long pruned from 4rd bud and Hıyan
Asması and Güz Üzümü grape varieties have to
be medium-long pruned from 3rd bud.