International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), Sinaia, Romanya, 2 - 05 Ağustos 2016
Image segmentation is important part of image processing applications. A given image is separated the different regions with homogeneous characteristics at image segmentation process. This paper will introduce an image segmentation approach that can be used in image processing applications. Recently Neutrosophic Set (NS) that use to evulate indeterminacy information, and metaheuristic algorithms are frequently used in image segmentation process. Our study contain both these methods. At first, an image is transformed to NS domain that has T, I, F subset, and then, features of image are extracted. Then, according to Shannon entopy model, threshold values that correspond to the values maximizing the function in the entropy, is found on the image. Finally, image is thresholded with this value. This search of maximum entropy values is made using the Cricket Algorithm, a new metaheuristic algorithm inspired behaviour of cricket, minimizing the complexity of operation and search time. To summarize, this study aims not only to represent image segmentation technique but also introduce the Cricket Algorithm. At the end of study, the performance of this approach on test images will be shown.