Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection, cilt.38, sa.2, ss.116-124, 2023 (SCI-Expanded)
This study aims to determine the radiological properties of various radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine. In the study, mass attenuation coefficient values in different energy ranges were ob tained for six dif fer ent radiopharmaceuticals dimercaptosuccinic acid, diethylenetriamine pentaacetate, mercaptoacetyltriglycine, hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime, methoxyisobutylisonitrile, meth ylene diphosphate by us ing GATE simulation pro-gram, XCOM and WinXCom programs. Using these val ues, ef fec tive atomic num ber and elec tron den sity values were calcu lated with the help of the di rect method, in ter po lation method, Auto-Zeff software, Phy-X/ZeXTra, XMuDat program, and Mayneourd's for mula. In ad di tion, the ef fec tive atomic num ber and elec tron den sity val ues ob tained were compared for each radiopharmaceutical, both among themselves and between the meth ods. When radiopharmaceuticals were compared among themselves in low and high-energy re gions, the highest ef fec tive atomic num ber val ues were obtained in dimercaptosuccinic acid, meth ylene diphosphate, and mercaptoacetyltriglycine. The mass attenuation coefficient values calcu-lated us ing the GATE code indicate that it is a suit able method for deter mining the mass at-tenuation coefficient for imaging agents with no experimental values. This study indicates that the sim ulation geometry method is suit able to be used as an alter na tive method for the ex-per iments. In ad di tion, the val ues ob tained for these mol ecules used as radiopharmaceuticals were ex amined for the first time.