Türkiye'de Biyolojik Çeşitliliği Tehdit Eden Biyo-Kaçakçılık

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Kurt O., Çelik N., Göre M., Kurt H.

Turkish Journal of agriculture - Food Science and Tecnology, cilt.7, sa.2, ss.46-51, 2019 (Düzenli olarak gerçekleştirilen hakemli kongrenin bildiri kitabı) identifier


Threats to Biodiversity Bio-Traffıcking in Turkey*

Orhan Kurt1a, Nurya Çelik1b, Merve Görel1c, Haydar Kurt: 2d

'Department of Field Crops. Faculty of Agriculture. Ondokuz Mayıs University.55200 Atakum Samsun. Turkey

'Department of Horticulture. Faculty of Agriculture. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University. 65080 Tusba/Van, Turkey ‘Corresponding aıuthor


Turkey: as a result of its geographical. topographic and ecological differences. Tıırkey has a very rich biological diversity. Turkey is a biological attraction and a rich reservoir of biological material due to the biological richness of the property poses. The collection and removal of biological diversity \vithout the permission of competent authorities is called bio-smuggling. Unfortunately. despite ali the measures taken. our biodiversity. which has been used by many sectors. has been and continues to be bio-smuggled. We need to have peace of mind and freshness in delivering our biological diversity to future generations safely. For this purpose: /) social awareness. ii) training of expert staff. iii) legal arrangements at the highest level. iv) ensuring national and intemational coordination and cooperation and keeping alive. v) suffıcient support to studies that have the potential to serve the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity İt should be given. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the importance of Turkey’s biodiversity. bio-smuggling causing the decline of biodiversity by dravving attention focusing on Tuıkey. and to contribute to the prevention of bio-smuggling in Turkey. Therefore. in this article: bio-smuggling issue has assessed the scale of Turkey. the bio-smuggling in Turkey in recent years has been presented vvith the current sample and bio-traffıcking is consideıed measures to be taken to prevent more effectively.

 Keywords:Turkcy,Biodivcrsity, Endcmic, Bio-Smuggling, Gcnctic Erosion