KAFKAS UNIVERSITESI VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, vol.18, no.2, pp.215-219, 2012 (SCI-Expanded)
The objective of this study was to determine of pre-parturition and post-parturition behaviors of Norduz Goats. Animal subjects consisted of 18 primiparous single-birth does aged 2-3 years. During the kidding time, the goats were recorded with digital video cameras for one hour pre parturition and 24 h post-parturition in order to register parturition traits. Twelve does (67%) gave birth while being recumbent and six (33%) while standing (P<0.01). The majority of kidding (n=12, 67%) occurred between 12.00 -18.00 h, followed by 18.00-24.00 h (n=4, 22%) and 00.00-06.00 h (n=2, 11%). The majority of does (n= 83%) accepted and nursed their kids after parturition; however, 3 does (17%) rejected their kids after parturition. Of those does who accepted their kids, 14 (93%) refrained from feeding throughout the observation period, whereas only 1 (7%) left her kid to feed during this period (1/15). The duration of parturition, the duration of placenta expulsion, the latency to first sniffing, the latency to first licking, the latency to first suckling, the duration of first suckling, the latency to first standing, and the duration of standing at the birth site were 21.99 +/- 2.49 min., 120.74 +/- 6.98 min., 0.64 +/- 0.39 min., 0.82 +/- 0.22 min., 22.65 +/- 2.37 min., 0.62 +/- 0.13 min., 17.50 +/- 2.42 min. and 4> h, respectively. These results clearly suggest that in Norduz goats the parturition behavior occurs within four hours after the parturition, and also Norduz goats are observed to be having a normal maternal behavior regarding with investigated behavioral characteristics