Van International Applied Sciences Congres, Van, Turkey, 24 - 25 July 2020, vol.1, no.1, pp.46-47
Purpose of the research was to evaluate the hot points on Land Use Cover Changes (LUCC) in the Van Lake Basin in 43 years. In this extent, 1973 Landsat MMS and 2015 Landsat OLI dataset were classified by the object based classification using Normalized Diffefence Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to be ancillary dataset. Seven Land Use Cover (LUC) were classified as Settlement, bulrush, agriculture, grassland, forest, bareground and water bodies. Hot points and changes in base LUC were detected. According to the results; Van city, Erciş and Tatvan as settlements, Gürpınar, Adilcevaz and Heybeli as agricultural areas, Özalp-Saray, Çaldıran and Adilcevaz as grassland and Van Edremit, Bendimahi and Engil rivers as bulrush areas were detected to be hot changing points. Basin scale analyses were shown that Settlement areas were almost 14 times, bulrush areas were 3 times and agricultural areas were 2.5 times increased. Oppositely, grasslands were almost 8% and forest areas were 23% decreased.