Microbiological Analysis in Terms of Animal Nutrition Fish of Meal Produced in the Black Sea Region in Türkiye

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Tekeli A., Aldemir R., Demirer Durak E.

ISPEC Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi,, cilt.8, sa.4, ss.1068-1085, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)



Fish meal is obtained by processing and drying fish that are not suitable for

human consumption or waste left over from the fishing industry. Fish meal

creates a suitable breeding environment for microorganisms due to both the

high level of nutrients they contain and the processes applied during

production. Aerobic Colony Count (Cob g-1) of fish meal obtained from four

different factories (A, B, C and D) producing fish meal in the Black Sea

region were determined as 4.9x105, 9.7x104, 2.76x105 and 9.8x102,

respectively. Enterobacteria Colony Count (Cfu g-1) and Coliform Bacteria

Count E. coli (Cob g-1) levels were similarly found to be <10. Both Listeria

monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. wasn’t detected in fish meals. While

Rhizopus spp. and Trichoderma spp. fungi were detected in fish meal

obtained from only one factory. Fusarium spp. and Penicillium spp. fungi

were detected in all fish meals. Total Organism Numbers vary between 7x103

and 5x104 Colonies/ml. According to macroscopic and microscopic

examinations, no material that should not be included in feed for animal

nutrition, especially mold, was found in fish meal. As a result, it is seen that

the fish meal produced in the Black Sea Region of Turkey is of extremely

high quality in terms of microbiological and macroscopik and is also suitable

for animal nutrition. Therefore, in this study was pointed out to the

microbiological content and quality of fish meal in the Black Sea Region,

where a significant portion of fish meal is produced in our country.