ECOTOURISM IN THE WESTERN PART OF LAKE VAN BASIN Classification of Tourism Resources and Determining Tourist Profiles

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Alaeddinoğlu F., Can A. S., Yılmaz E.

Pegem Akademi, Çanakkale, 2020

  • Publication Type: Book / Research Book
  • Publication Date: 2020
  • Publisher: Pegem Akademi
  • City: Çanakkale
  • Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Affiliated: Yes


The structure of tourism basically may harm natural life and local culture. This

structure can clearly be seen especially in the rural areas that are included in

tourism process. Social, economic, cultural and ecological subjects are mainly

affected by the negative side of tourism. All of these components need to be

evaluated in a planning approach. However, local administrators generally cannot

manage this process because of lack of financial resources and qualitified

personnel and harm values that are resource of tourism. There is no doubt that

this process will exceed the carrying capacity and will cause problems in other

processes particularly in ecological one. Nowadays this situation can generaly be

seen in most of the areas in the world. Hence, tourism decision makers are

seriously questioning tourism and they state that this process should not be

continued. Because the current tourism philosophy stating that “tourism activities

have to be done whatever their costs” can reflect the spiritual situation of the area

that are expected to be open soon.

However, all the world need to save life the different