Archives of Razi Institute, vol.78, no.1, pp.243-253, 2023 (Scopus)
Copyright © 2023 by Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute.Health specialists currently suggest low-cholesterol diets, suggesting that cholesterol in the form of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) reduces the risk of chronic atherosclerosis. The large volume of literature describes the biological roles of vitamin E and its application to preventing disease and improving the health and productive performances of farm animals. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol acetate) supplementation and melatonin implants on biochemical blood, lipid profile and muscle vitamin E content of Awassi male lambs fed by a high and normal diet in Iraq. The lambs were divided into teen groups as control normal energy diet T1 (NED) T2 (HED) concentrated lamb fattening feed. Two levels of melatonin (18 and 36 mg implant) were applied to T3, T4, T5, and T6 treatment and 2 levels of Vitamin E (Alpha-tocopherol acetate) diet 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg to T7. T8. T9 and T10, respectively. Results from the present study indicate that Vitamin E 200, 400 mg/lamb/day and melatonin implantation 18 mg, 36 mg/lamb/day significantly (P<0.05) increased total protein in serum while decreasing globulin level, glucose concentration in serum, melatonin implantation 36 mg/lamb and vitamin E 400 mg/lamb/day recorded significantly (P<0.05). The same effect on decreasing cholesterol concentration in serum 42.6mg\dl, 40.5 mg\dl, respectively, compared to nontreated groups. Vitamin E 200 mg/kg/lamb recorded the lowest AST level in serum, 43.3. Lambs implanted with Melatonin 36 mg/lamb and fed a high-energy diet (T8) resulted in a significant decrease of serum ALT activity (P<0.05) in comparison to other treated groups 12.7 U/L was achieved. Lambs fed a normal energy diet with vitamin E 200 mg/kg/lamb (T4) exceeded other treated groups, decreasing ALT serum levels by 9.35 U/L. Interestingly, muscle vitamin E concentrations for lambs received 200, 400 mg/lamb/day on the 2nd, 7th and 14th days of the storage period, and fed high energy diet (T10) or normal energy diet (T5) were significantly higher compared to control group (T1, T6).