Application of wireless power system automation for electrical distribution system of Van, Turkey


BITLIS EREN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol.7, no.2, pp.123-131, 2017 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Reliable real-time information has become an important factor for safe delivery of power to the end-users and productivity of the electric utility and customer pleasure. Communication networks constitute the core of electrical system control applications in industry. The commercial and operational demands of electric utilities need a high-performance data communication network that improves the electrical system performance and provides possibility of a detailed study to predict failures. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are commonly used in industry for automation, control and data acquisition. Operators working in various units in an electric power company require access to SCADA data. Therefore, a design of cost-effective and reliable network architecture is a very important issue. Each network component has a unique address and the maximum quantity of components is restricted for the communication channel and protocol. In this paper, a power control application is studied by using wireless technology, and a SCADA system along with the MODBUS protocol which is most common communication protocol used in industrial automation systems. The application is carried out in a power distribution center found at the electrical distribution system located in Van, Turkey.