The Body Weight After Shearing and the Greasy Wool Yield of Red Karaman Ewes at Different Raising Conditions in Turkey

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İnan İ., Aygün T.

Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, vol.6, no.2, pp.139-143, 2019 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


In this study, the body weight after shearing, the

greasy wool yield and, the clean fleece percentage of “Red

Karaman” ewes in different raising conditions were

investigated. Animal material consisted of a total of 248

head of Red Karaman ewes in different flocks maintained in

the villages of Alican (n= 50), Boyuncuk (n= 50), Bozbulut

(n= 48), Çiçekli (n= 50) and, Yukarısızma (n= 50). Red

Karaman ewes were sheared using shearing scissors at the

beginning of June and beginning of July. Each of body

weight of ewes after shearing and ewes' greasy fleece was

weighed using electronic digital weighing scale. Fleece

samples were taken from area of the last rib on the right

shoulder of 12 head of ewes in each flock. Then, analysis of

clean fleece percentage was performed in the laboratory.

For Red Karaman ewes, the effect of shearing age on greasy

wool yield was not significant but the effect of body weight

after shearing on greasy wool yield was significant (p<0.01)

in all villages. When all the farms were generally evaluated,

the effect of shearing age and the farm on greasy wool yield

was found insignificant but the effect of live weight after

shearing was statistically significant (p<0.01). Least-squares

means for greasy wool yield of Red Karaman ewes raised in

Alican, Boyuncuk, Bozbulut, Çiçekli and, Yukarısızma

villages were 1.51±0.05, 1.45±0.05, 1.39±0.05, 1.41±0.05 and,

1.20±0.06 kg, respectively. General least-squares mean for

greasy wool yield of Red Karaman ewes was 1.41±0.021 kg.

Effect of age on live weight after shearing in all villages was

significant (p<0.01). The averages of body weight after

shearing in Alican, Boyuncuk, Bozbulut, Çiçekli and,

Yukarısızma villages were found as 54.26±0.96, 51.78±0.74,

52.96±0.76, 51.76±0.68 and, 58.22±0.86 kg, respectively. The

average of live weight after shearing in all the villages was

found as 53.80±0.40 kg. General mean for clean fleece

percentage Red Karaman ewes was found as 64.55±5.80%

in all the farms.

Index Terms—clean fleece percentage, greasy wool yield,

live weight, red Karaman, shearing