IJORS - International Journal of Russian Studies, no.9, pp.80-92, 2020 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Hopa Ethnography Museum, located in Hopa Subprovince, Artvin, with over 2000 works exhibited within, has an important place in terms of cultural heritage of the locality. While there are wooden and stone works connected with agriculture in the museum garden, on the second floor, which has 7 rooms and a lounge, there are weighing tools, carpentry tools, lighting tools, kitchenware and hunting rifles and some animals' hides and horns. While most of the works in the museum were obtained in the region of Hopa, some of them were brought from Georgia. However, the similarity of the works collected from both regions is also noteworthy. Coming across frequently with weighing instruments and copper assets used in dairy processing indicates that this sub-province was once an important in commerce and livestock. In this study, it is aimed to contribute to the introduction of the region, culture and art by examining the formal properties, functions and connections of the weighing tools and copper vessels displayed in the museum