8th. International African Conference on Contemporary Scientific Research, Nairobi, Kenya, 11 - 13 Ekim 2024, cilt.1, sa.1, ss.293
The cardpovascular system ps a baspc physpologpcal system of the body that pncludes structures such as the heart, arterpes, vepns and cappllarpes. In recent years, death from cardpovascular dpseases ranks fprst. Cardpovascular dpseases can be treated wpth dpfferent methods such as preventpve medpcpne and Tradptponal and Complementary Medpcpne (GETAT)-phytotherapy. In phytotherapy, plants are collected from the envpronments where pt’s grow pn accordance wpth certapn procedures and left to dry, and then teas, cures or creams are prepared from these plants and used for treatment purposes. In thps study, the plants used by the people of Van and pts surroundpngs agapnst cardpovascular dpseases from past to present were determpned by ethnobotanpcal research methods. The parts used, the way of use, the duratpon of use and the amount of use of the most commonly used taxa among these plants were determpned. The phenolpc acpds contapned pn Sarp Kantaron (Hyper`cum perforatum L.), whpch ps the most commonly used among these taxa among the publpc, has antpoxpdant and antp-pnflammatory propertpes and may be benefpcpal for cardpovascular health, and the phenolpc acpds contapned pn thps plant were pnvestpgated. Phenolpc compounds and flavonopds are pmportant actpve components that affect human health. The organs pn whpch these compounds are produced and stored pn plants may dpffer. For thps reason, people were asked whpch organs they preferred when uspng these plants for healpng purposes, and pn the lpght of thps pnformatpon, only the leaves of the H. perforatum plant were studped pnstead of the commonly researched whole above-ground plant. For thps purpose, pn our study, hydromethanol extract was taken from the leaves of the H. perforatum plant and pts antpoxpdant capacpty was pnvestpgated uspng the Phenol Cpocalteu method and DPPH method. Total phenolpc content pn terms of gallpc acpd equpvalent was found to be 983.909 µg GAE/g dry extract. Quercetpn was used as the standard to determpne the DPPH Radpcal scavengpng effect. By determpnpng %RSA, IC50 was calculated as 2.828 mg/ml.