Congenital Tooth Deficiency (Hypodontia-Agenesis) and Supernumerary Teeth Observed in the Beybağ (Muğla) Byzantine Population Beybağ (Muğla) Bizans Popülasyonunda Gözlenen Konjenital Diş Eksikliği (Hipodonti-Agenesis) ve Süpernümerer Dişler

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Arıhan S. K., Türkekul R.

Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi, vol.11, no.3, pp.566-575, 2021 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)



Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the hypodontic (agenesis) and supernumerary tooth formation observed in the

Byzantine community of Beybağ, Muğla.

Material and Method: During the Beybağ excavations, 161 graves which were unearthed in 2008 were dated to the Byzantine Period. 97 (mandible and/or maxilla) jaw bones obtained from 171 individuals constitute our study material. It was determined that the jaw bones of these 97 individuals belonged to 39 male, 26 female and 32 infant-child. For this purpose, those jaw bones were examined and the jaw bones that were estimated to be hypodontic were radiographically visualized with Kavo 3D exam dental tomography device. In addition, the presence of supernumerary teeth was examined by macroscopic observation.

Results: Following examination of materials, hypodontia in five individuals and supernumerary tooth samples in one individual was determined. According to these findings, the incidence of supernumerary teeth in the Byzantine community of Beybağ was found to be 1.03% and the frequency of agenesis was 7.21%. However, only one case of a supernumerary tooth was observed in the

maxilla (upper jaw).

Conclusion: It was observed that the results we obtained in both the frequency of supernumerary teeth and the frequency of

hypodontia (agenesis) in the study yielded similar results with both recent studies and previous studies. We think that this study, which is one of the rare examples, will contribute to other studies in this research field.

Keywords: Supernumerary Teeth, Congenital Teeth Absence (Hypodontia-Agenesis), Teeth Variation, Dental Anthropology, Beybağ.