Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Validation and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale 2


Balıkesir Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (BSBD), vol.12, no.1, pp.39-45, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


Objective: The Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale 2 (CCBS-2) is a scale designed for mothers of school-age children with disabilities between the ages of 5 and 18 and evaluates the child's challenging behaviours. This study was carried out to conduct the Turkish cross-cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability of CCBS-2. Materials and Methods: One hundred thirty-eight mothers of disabled children were included in this study. The Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale-2 Turkish version (CCBS-2-TR) was administered to mothers twice with an interval of 7 days. Internal consistency of CCBS-2-TR was assessed with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. In addition, test–retest reliability was analysed using intra- class correlation coefficient (ICC). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the construct validity. Results: A total of 138 mothers (38.6±6.8 years) and their children (9.8±4.7 years) were included in this study. Cronbach's Alpha value of the scale was 0.73, demonstrating that this value has good internal consistency. Test–retest reliability was found as (ICC) 0.930 (ICC 95% CI [0.903- 0.949]. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, CCBS-2-TR was found to be unidimensional. Conclusion: The Turkish version of the Child’s Challenging Behaviour Scale-2 is reliable and valid scale for mothers with children with developmental disabilities. CCBS-2-TR was found to be a brief, well-targeted, and unidimensional scale and this scale can help researchers in determining the compulsive behaviors of children with disabilities on their mothers and caregivers.