Kösedağ E., Ekici R.

6th INTERNATIONAL APPLIED SCIENCES CONGRESS, Van, Turkey, 21 - 23 May 2021, pp.34

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: Van
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.34
  • Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Affiliated: Yes


In this study, the production, artificial aging and low velocity impact tests of glass fiber

reinforced polymer matrix composites were carried out. In this context, glass fiber reinforced

composites were produced by using 8 layers of unidirectional glass fiber fabric with a total

thickness of 3 mm using vacuum infusion technique. The area density of the fabric used is 300

g / m2. Hexon brand hardener and epoxy resin were used. The prepared samples were cut in

dimensions of 100 x 100 mm and aged for 750 and 1500 hours in an air conditioning cabinet at

70 ° C and 85% humidity. Three different impacts at 10, 20, 30 J energy were applied to the

non-aged samples in the control group and the samples that were aged for 750, 1500 hours.

Impact tests were carried out using Fractovis plus brand device. Impact tests were conducted

using a 10 mm radius hemispherical tip. The striker tip used weighs 5,045 kg. Impact velocities

are 2, 2.82, 3.45 m / s for 10, 20, 30 J, respectively. According to contact force - time, contact

force - displacement and energy time curves obtained from the impact tests, the impact

resistance of the materials has been revealed. No puncture occurred at all three impact energies

in any of the composite samples. It has been revealed that the impact resistance of composite

specimens is negatively affected by the increase in aging time. The maximum contact forces

obtained as a result of the impact tests of samples that were not aged, aged 750 hours and 1500

hours, decreased with aging. Besides, there was no noticeable change in contact times. In

addition, the weights of the samples increased over time, according to the weight measurements

made evenly during aging, but this increase has a decreasing trend over time.

Keywords: Artificial Aging, Glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite, Low velocity
