Five years experience in patients with brain death: a retrospective study with two centers

Andıç O., Demirkıran H.

22nd of International Intensive Care Symposium, İstanbul, Turkey, 3 - 04 May 2019

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text
  • City: İstanbul
  • Country: Turkey
  • Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Affiliated: Yes


OP-137 Acceptance Letter

Five years experience in patients with brain death: a retrospective study with two centers

Okan Andıc, Hilmi Demirkiran

Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Van,Turkey

OBJECTIVE: Cases in xxx University and xxx Hospital intensive care units diagnosed with brain death are aimed to be examined in terms of hospitalisation reasons, brain death reasons, duration of stays, used imaging methods, whether the relatives accepted organ donation and routine laboratory tests comparison. MATERIAL-METHOD: 78 Cases in intensive care units diagnosed with brain death between January 2012 and April 2017 were retrospectively examined. Demographical variations like sex, age, hospitalisation reasons, whether the apnea test was applied, duration of intensive care unit stay, brain death diagnosed after how many days of hospitalisation, whether the relatives accepted organ donation and routine laboratory tests were recorded. Statistical significance was accepted as 5% and SPSS software was used for calculations. FINDINGS: 63,2 % of the participants were male, 26,3 % of cases were between 40-60 of ages. In terms of hospitalisation indications, 38,6 % was intracranial bleeding in first place (Table I). In terms of intensive care unit stay duration, 75,5 % was 1-7 days in first place. 84,2 % of the cases were diagnosed in first 1-7 days. Apnea tests were applied to 73,7 % of the cases. CT-angiography was used in 75,4 %, MRI-angiography was used in 17,5 %. Relatives of 8,8 % of the cases accepted organ donation. A correlation between duration of stay in ICU and patients’ INR values were observed. Rest of the parameters were found to be statistically insignificant.
CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis of brain death increases the rate of organ donation, therefore brain death test should be applied to diagnose as soon as possible. As long as brain death diagnosis delays, secondary organ failures increase. Thus Brain death diagnosis should be concretized in no time. The mass media should be used to increase the rate of organ donation through elimination of social and superstitious disinformation.