I. International Agricultural Science Congress, Van, Türkiye, 9 - 12 Mayıs 2018, ss.154
One of the most important prolific races known in the world is the Romanov sheep. It has superior characteristics such as fertility and high survivability of lambs. Thanks to these outstanding features, many countries have imported pure Romanov sheep for use in new genotyping studies. In general, it can be said that Romanov sheep can be raised in most regions of Turkey due to their resistant to terrestrial and cold climatic conditions. But the Romanov sheep have the ability to adapt pure breeding as a result of a low resistance to diseases which may not adequately show except for the original breeding area. Moreover, as a result of high lambing yield, there are negative results in growth-development and living ability. Private and public institutions operating have brought to our country the Romanov sheep for both the breeding and the scientific studies. While positive results are obtained by carrying out crossbreeding studies in some areas, some breeders have not been able to keep the sheep and the lambs alive. As a result, before Romanov sheep husbandry in Turkey begins, the following can be suggested; a) it must provide is important that the environmental conditions required for the breed. b) the characteristics of the breed must be well explained to the breeder. c) the breeding practices should consciously be carried out with the appropriate breeds. d) the skilled and experienced breeders must be involved. If these conditions are fulfilled, Romanov sheep husbandry can provide a positive contribution to increasing lamb production.