Uluslararası Spor Hekimliği Kongresi ve 18. Türk Spor Hekimliği Kongresi, İzmir, Türkiye, 3 - 05 Aralık 2021, ss.109-111
Stress fractures are fatigue injuries of bone usually caused by changes in training regimen in the
population of military recruits and both professional and recreational athletes. Raised levels of sporting activity in
today’s population and refined imaging technologies have caused a rise in reported incidence of stress fractures
in the past decades, now making up more than 10% of cases in a typical sports medicine practice. Stress fractures
belong to the wide spectrum of overuse injuries. Due to their strenuous training activities, military recruits and
competitive athletes are primarily affected and have been subject of most articles written about stress fractures.
However, the increase in participation of recreational athletes in major sports events (i.e. marathon running),
often pushing their limits, have led to an increase of stress fractures in this population as well. Increased incidence
has subsequently increased understanding of stress fracture mechanism and behavior, resulting in recognition of
low and high risk subcategories