Bazı fasulye çeşitlerinin (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) kalite ve bazı teknolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi

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MUSTAFA KEMAL UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (MKUJAS), vol.27, no.1, pp.155-165, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


It is aimed to determine the quality and some technological properties of bean seeds such as moisture content, hectoliter weight, dry and fresh weight, dry and wet volume, water absorption capacity and index, swelling capacity and index and cooking time properties of bean seeds. Data were analyzed according to the Completely Random Plots Experimental Design and the means were compared with the DUNCAN test. As a result, moisture content in the grain varied between 7.55-9.40%, hectoliter weight 70.4-83.7 kg hl-1, dry weight 12.91-48.73 g, wet weight 26.24-97.09 g, wet volume 122.67-190.67 ml, dry volume 68.75-92.51 ml, water intake capacity 0.072-0.551 g grain-1, water absorption index 0.32-1.39%, swelling capacity 0.11-0.49 ml grain-1, swelling index 2.04-2.47% and cooking time 33.0-54.5 minutes. According to the results of the correlation analysis, there were positive and significant relationships with dry weight values with wet weight (r= 0.88**), wet volume (r=0.89**), dry volume (r=0.77**) and swelling capacity (r=0.92**). Positive and significant relationships were also found between wet weight and wet volume (r=0.97 **), dry volume (r=0.87 **), swelling capacity (r=0.94**). A positive and good result was observed between wet volume and dry volume (r=0.93**) and swelling capacity (r=0.98**).Positive and highly significant relationships were determined between water absorption and swelling capacity (r=0.87**). Conclusions: According to consumer and market preferences, Adabeyazı variety has the highest moisture content and hectoliter weight. Good results were obtained in terms of dry and wet weight, wet and dry volume, swelling capacity, swelling capacity and index value