International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2015), Tirane, Arnavutluk, 5 - 08 Haziran 2015, cilt.1, ss.55-56
Van province is located in Turkey, between 42' 40º and 44' 30º East longitudes and between 37' 43º and 39' 26º
North latitudes. Van province’s territory (19,069 km2
) covers 2.5% of Turkey's land area. Van province
consists of 17% agricultural area, 67% meadows and pastures, and 1% of the forest land area. Considering
crops grown in Van province, forage crops cultivation is the most with a rate of 28.10% of the total area. It is
followed with cereals with a rate of 27.23%. Moreover, fallow land with a rate of 30.79% is very important in
the province. The amount of unused arable land has also an important place, with a rate of 11.82%. The
production quantities of agricultural products and land sizes of Van province were investigated from 2002 to
2014. The purpose of this study was to scientifically analyze agricultural products of Van province (alfalfa,
sainfoin, wheat and barley) and to help out the emergence more effective and accurate projects for the
development of agriculture and agro-based industries in the province. Extensive research was carried out in the
preparation of study and statistical data were collected from institutions that have relevant information and data
to the subject. The data obtained after this phase were analyzed by spatial kriging method and estimation maps
have been mapped for each period observed. The obtained results were expressed in tables and figures. This
study is important to reveal different patterns of agricultural products according to years in Van province.