The prediction of the input voltage for several DC/DC boost converters via the designed MATLAB/Simulink block

Creative Commons License

Üzmuş H., Genç N., Çelik M. A.

10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies ICAT'22, Van, Turkey, 25 November - 27 December 2022, pp.193-196

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Van
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.193-196
  • Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Affiliated: Yes


This document presents the designing of a MATLAB/Simulink block for predicting the input voltages of several DC/DC boost converters. The systems that use renewable energy such as photovoltaic (PV), fuel cells (FCs) generate low DC voltage. The DC/DC boost converters are necessary for stepping up the low DC voltage which generated by PV and FCs. The DC/DC boost converters with PV and FCs are controlled by some maximum power point tracking (MPPT) that used input voltage and current, and the control methods which use the feedforwarded input voltage. The voltage measuring in simulation area can be done easily without any cost. However, the voltage sensing element should be used for the experimental studies and it increases the cost and size of the system. Therefore, a MATLAB/Simulink block was designed to eliminate voltage sensing element for several DC/DC boost converters. The predicting process of the proposed MATLAB/Simulink block was shown on the conventional DC/DC boost converter for variable input voltages (60-100-80-120-40 V) in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The simulation results are satisfactory. The proposed block can be utilized for several DC/DC boost converters via digital signal processors experimentally.