Türkiye 13. ulusal 1. Uluslararası Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, Antalya, Türkiye, 1 - 04 Kasım 2019, ss.305-313
This research was conducted to determine vegetation structures of the native pastures of pasture (I grazing, II koruk-garizing at the end of vegetation-) grazing and koruk in Bağdaşan neighborhood of Tuşba district of Van, in the year of 2018. Vegetations of the pastures were studied by the Loop Method. In each pasture 1200 loop measurements in 12 lines were made. Canopy cover, botanical composition in the plant covered area and similarity coefficients among the pastures were calculated by the loop measurements. 14 plant species of 39 genus from 37 plant families were determined on the vegetations of the pastures. Pastures (I, II) canopy cover percentages varied 98 % - 97 % and average percentages of grasses, legumes and other family plants in the total were determined as 47.76 %- 34.73 %, 9.88 % – 7.8%, 40.36 %– 54.47 % respectively. It was determined that the averaged percentages of decreasing, increasing and invasive species for pastures (I, II) were 20.04 – 12.54 %, 19.33 – 17.99 % and 58.63 – 66.47 % respectively. The calculated quality values of rangelands were 3.2 – 2.9 indicating that the range conditions of two rangelands studied were poor. According to the findings of the present study, it was concluded that grazing, where selective grazing with sheep below the capacity, increased the pasture status and quality grade compared to the commonly applied koruk pasture (grazing at the end of vegetation for years) in Anatolia.