Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol.33, no.2, pp.248-258, 2023 (Scopus)
In this study, which was carried out in field conditions in Van in 2019 and 2020, different image generation methods (biocrystallization method, and circular and rising picture chromatography methods) were used to determine the difference between various organic and conventional fertilizer applications. 3% frozen tomatoes and 16% CuCl2.2H2O were applied in the biocrystallization method, 80% frozen tomatoes and 1% silver nitrate solution were used in the circular chromatography method, and 100% frozen tomatoes and 0.5% silver nitrate and 0.5% iron sulfate solution were employed in the rising picture method. In light of the visual findings obtained at the end of the study, it has been determined that there are some differences between organic and conventional fertilizer applications. As the alteration between organic and conventional products; the center number difference in the copper crystallization method; the smoothness of the rings formed in the circular chromatogram and the vividness of the colors; in the rising painting method, it clearly reveals the transitions between colors and the difference in light and dark tones that occur in colors.