Evaluation of Water Sources and Animal Species in Terms of Scarcity, Rights and Welfare

Çak B.



Problems such as global warming, climate change, water, and food availability have been some of the most important issues on the world agenda in recent years. For sustainable welfare, the concepts of equality, justice, and rights are indispensable for the ecosystem. At present, the adoption of legal regulations on water scarcity, the right to water, animal welfare, and animal rights as well as the awareness of conscientious responsibility for the individual and wider society has been an important development for the future. With this in mind, this article is aimed at contributing to the objective questioning of the concepts of rights and welfare with their emotional, legal, and scientific aspects by removing our presuppositions about life, and abandoning the distinction between living and non-living things. The study consists of two parts. In the first part, water scarcity and the right to water, and in the second part, evaluations are made in terms of animal welfare and rights. The general acceptance of water consumption as a need rather than a right has turned it into a commodity that can be bought and sold with the use of money. Although there is enough water in the world, the perception of scarcity consciousness arising from the possible inadequacy of the amount of consumable water needs to be re-questioned at the intellectual level by considering it from the perspective of a biological transformation.