A Cusp Form Example as An Eta Product

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Demirkol Özkaya Z., Avcı U., İnam İ.

International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, vol.2, no.2, pp.347-349, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)


Modular forms are important in several branches of mathematics especially in number theory and they have interesting properties. For example, they have lots of internal symmetries and they are finite vector spaces over complex field. Dedekind-Eta function is one of the most important examples for half integral weight of modular forms. In this short note, we give an example for cusp form which is subspace of modular forms by using product of certain Dedekind-Eta functions. Moreover, some codes are given that using in Magma Computational Algebra System. This work is a part of master thesis of the first and the second author.