Atretic parietal cephalocele

Hattapoglu S., Hamidi C., Göya C., Cetincakmak M. G., Teke M.

Journal of International Dental and Medical Research, vol.8, no.3, pp.155-157, 2015 (ESCI) identifier identifier identifier


A posterior paryetal midline subscalp swelling noticed in a 19 month boy, by his family.These nodule had been enlarging slowly since birth. Radiologic imaging revealed that, subscalp lesion is a cyst and there was a communication between cyst and subarachnoid space via a calvarial defect. The other finding was "Vertically positioned straight sinus". With this imaging findings our diagnosis was "Atretic paryetal cephalocele". Calvarial subcutaneous swellings, may caused by simple lesions, like lipoma, sebaceous cyst or it can be a sign of intracranial pathology. Atretic parietal cephalocele and concomitant pathologies can be set forth in a detailed manner with radiological imaging techniques.