Effect of Sowing Date and Varieties on Essential Oil Ratio and Essential Oil Components of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Van Ecological Condition

Creative Commons License

Yildirim B., Gok N.

JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, vol.11, no.11, pp.1925-1929, 2012 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


This study was carried out as random blocks experiment design that three recurrent in Van ecological condition in 2009 infour sowing time (April 5 and 20, May 5 and 20) which to determine essential oil ratio and components of one local coriander population and two coriander varieties. The highest essential oil ratio was obtained as 0.45% from Gurbuz variety. The highest essential oil ratio was obtained as 0.5% from May 20 sowing time. In terms of essential oil it was no different in varieties and in sowing times. The essential oil yield average yields changed from 0.09-0.116 L ha(-1). Linalool which essential oil component ratio was changed from 68.3-74.8%. Gamma terpinen ratio was changed from 7-8%. The highest gamma terpinen ratio was obtained as 8.8% from April 20 sowing time.