Journal of Power Electronics, cilt.22, sa.10, ss.1665-1675, 2022 (SCI-Expanded)
© 2022, The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Korean Institute of Power Electronics.In this study, an improved interleaved hybrid DC/DC boost converter used for high-power applications with high voltage gain was proposed. The proposed DC/DC boost converter increases low-input voltage to the desired high-output voltage with a wide duty cycle range through the hybrid structure, thereby prolonging the lifetime of the proposed converter by decreasing the current on circuit components. An extra filter for input current ripples is unnecessary. The proposed converter is less complex and has easier control than the converters used for high voltage gain. The proposed converter was operated when the duty cycle (d) was larger and smaller than 0.5. It was also analyzed theoretically, and the average- and small-signal circuits were obtained to show its stability. The proposed converter was controlled with the conventional control method by using a modern digital signal processor TMS320F28379D board. The proposed converter and its controller were operated under different conditions.