Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol.3, no.15, pp.268-280, 2010 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
Hurufism, the mystical and philosophical movement, was established by Fadlallah Astarabadi (d. 796/1394) in Iran. Because of political and/or ideological reasons, some disciples of Fadlallah migrated to Anatolia like Aliyyu’l A’lâ (d. 1419) and Nasîmî (d. 1418). The former died in Azerbaijan and the latter in Syria. The main footsteps of Hurufism can be followed into the fifteenth century and thereafter to the Balkans. Nasîmî’s disciple Rafî'î (d. after 1418) is the first hurufi who went to the Balkans and he died in Preveza. It is witnessed that the hurufi philosophy is developed and perpetuated in the Balkans by the Bektashis. In this paper, firstly we will talk about the Bektashi scholars and poets of the Balkans which obtained and perpetuated hurufi philosophy. Secondly, we will analyze the hurufi manuscripts which are copied in the Balkans. As it can be seen among the hurufi manuscripts in Turkish or Persian, most of them are copied in the Balkans. Finally we aim to display the role of Hurufism among Balkan Bektashis and vice-versa. Key Words: Hurufism, Bektashis, Albaninan Bektashis.