7th lnternational Scientific Meeting, Struga, Makedonya, 22 - 24 Eylül 2016, ss.34-35
The aim of this research is to determine of comparation between phenotype and productive characteristics of dubian zeckel sheep and turkish norduz sheep. in this study, as animal recording, breeding from two different geographical areas, which Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey were evaluated.Sheep breeding is important part of animal breeding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than 1.000.000 hectars of pasturing area in highlands provide optimal conditions for production of food of high biological value, including lamb and cheese. Sheep breeding, completely integrated in land and climatic resources, is stil! under traditional way of production without signific&nt changes in production technology. in post-war period almost complete young female sheep population is reserved for breeding. According to the assessment of breeding specialists there are over 1.000.000 sheep in Bosnia and Herzegovina today. Zeckel sheep is a dominant local breed with a number of varieties with different phenotype and productive traits. According to literature data, varieties of Zeckel sheep like Dubian, Kupreska, Privorian, Glasinacka, Kljucka-Vrcarska, Podveleska, Stolacka-Humnjacka represents about 25% of total sheep population in pure breeding. Dubian sheep is combined production sheep type milk-meat-wool, and represents a sheep with the highest milking capacity among sheep species of Bosnia and Herzegovina. There are a large number of sheep breed that have adapted to different regions owing to diversity of geographical structure of Turkey. Turkey has 31,5 million sheep and is one of the most important sheep producer in the world (TÜİK 2015). Turkish sheep breeds are divided into 2 groups as fat or thin tailed breeds. Fat tailed sheep are in majority in Turkish sheep population. Norduz Sheep is one of the fat-tailed sheep breeds raised in Norduz vicinity of Gurpinar country Van provience. Norduz ewes have evolved naturally through adaptation to socio-economic and ecological conditions of Norduz region. This breed of sheep is totally covered with fleece neck. Norduz sheep is a type within White Karaman breed. Norduz sheep are generally white, but grey, grey-white, brown-white Norduz sheep can also be found. Different parts of body, specially head, chest and legs can have black spots. Norduz sheep generally have long legs, and its neck is covered with fleece. Tail consists of three parts, and middle part is longer. Norduz sheep used for meat, milk and carpet-fleece production in Turkey. Norduz is characterized by high lamb viability and adaptation capacity to the harsh environmental conditions in Eastern Anatolia. Lactation milk yield and lactation length of Norduz ewes were found greater than those of many native sheep breeds raised in Turkey. Norduz sheep milk is rich in proteins which constitutes the basis of texture of cheese. Ewes have ease of management and grazing capability, walking, herd and maternal instinct. Norduz is endangered and sheep are under protection by project of in Vitro Conservation and Preliminary Molecular ldentification of Some Turkish Domestic Animal Genetic Resources-1 (TURKHAYGEN-1) in province of Van. As a results; wither height, body length, birth weight, 18-month weight and daily live weight gain and Lactation milk yield traits far Turkish Norduz Sheep respectively; 71 cm; 68 cm; 4,0 kg; 60 kg; 279 g. and 137 kg.As a results; body weight, height at withers, body length, leg circumference and milk yield traits for Dubian sheep respectively; 75,85±0,31 kg; 77,17 ± 0,11 cm; 85,07 ± 0,19 cm; 10,43 ±0,04 cm and 47,051 per ewe. it would be possible to improve production performances and phenotype characteristics of two different group sheep. Therefore this study to ensure the cooperation between the two countries, also, it is very important in terms of being a of pioneering research.