A New Approach In The Professional Development Of Prospective Visual Arts Teachers: ALesson Study Model

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International Journal of Progressive Education, cilt.16, sa.6, ss.313-324, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)


One of the most important skills for students to use, starting from the preschool period and throughout

their lives, is art education. The quality of visual arts teachers, who aim to develop students’

knowledge and skills in terms of art, is highly important in this process. It is believed that the

knowledge and experience that prospective visual arts teachers before service will enable them to be

more effective and successful teachers while serving. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the

professional development of prospective visual arts teachers within the framework of a lesson study.

In this study, which was conducted as a case study with a qualitative research model, the participants

consisted of 6 prospective visual arts teachers, which included 4 males and 2 females. Within the

scope of the study, the data were obtained by using interview forms. Out of these data, codes and

themes were obtained by using the content analysis method. As a result of this study, which covered a

total period of 8 weeks, it was concluded that the professional development of prospective visual arts

teachers was positively developed. It was observed that the lesson study model contributed to the

knowledge and skills of prospective visual arts teachers in terms of lesson planning, methodtechnique,

assessment-evaluation and cooperation. According to these results, suggestions, such as

professional knowledge lessons that are practical, can be conducted within the framework of a lesson

study, were presented.