Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, cilt.44, sa.5, ss.2980-2990, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
Graph theory plays a significant role in the applications of chemistry, pharmacy, communication, maps, and aeronautical fields. A benzenoid is a class of chemical compounds with at least one benzene ring(hexagon as a graph) and resonance bonds in the benzene ring give increased stability in benzenoids. The molecules of chemical compounds are modeled as a graph to study the properties of the compounds. The geometric structure of the compound relates to a few physical properties such as boiling point, enthalpy, π-electron energy, and molecular weight. Entropy is a thermodynamic function in physics that measures the randomness and disorder of molecules in a particular system or process based on the diversity of configurations that molecules might take. Degree-based entropy is used to address a wide range of problems in the domains of mathematics, biology, chemical graph theory, organic and inorganic chemistry, and other disciplines. This paper focusses on computing analytical expressions of degree-based entropy measures for benzenoid systems.