Scientia Parasitologica, vol.24, no.1-2, pp.16-21, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)
The present study was conducted to collect data on the lice species carried on common myna (Acridotheres tristis), which is a bird species that had no natural distribution in Turkey but was later included in the Turkish ornithofauna. Material and Methods: The bird carcasses were visually inspected and ectoparasite samples were randomly obtained from the back, abdomen, and underwing of each bird using a 4X lens, comb, fine forceps with good light source. The collected lice were placed in tubes containing 70% alcohol and were cleared in 10% KOH. After washing with distilled water, samples were passed through 70%, 80% and 90% alcohol series for three consecutive days, respectively, and were coated with Canadian balm. Lice were identified by light microscopy. Results: Of the 25 carcasses of common mynas inspected, 19 (76%) birds were found to be infested with lice, including 16 (84.2%) birds infested with both Menacanthus eurysternus and Brueelia chayanh and the remaining 3 (15.8%) birds infested with Brueelia chayanh only. The Menacanthus eurysternus lice were mostly collected from the dorsal region, while the Brueelia chayanh lice were mostly collected from the ventral region in the birds. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study to report Brueelia chayanh in common myna in Turkey.