Eastern Journal of Medicine, cilt.1, sa.27, ss.95-104, 2022 (Scopus)
In this study, we aim to analyze the relationship between the cultural intelligence and the feeling of compassion in the
health staff.
The universe of the research is composed of the health staff who service in a university hospital (n=925). The data of the
research was collected with “Personal Information Form”, “The Cultural Intelligence Scale” and “The Compassion Scale”.
Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test and Spearman Correlation Analysis were used for the statistical ana lysis. The
Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient was found to be 0.895 for the cultural intelligence scale and to be 0.876
for the compassion scale, respectively.
Based on the study, it was determined that the age average of the health staff was 31.15±6.99 and the average service
period was 7.83±6.06. It was found that among the health staff 83% performed their job with enjoyed, 65.4% considered
their performance effective and 93.4% perceived themselves compassionate. 80.2% of the health sta ff believes that they
had cultural intelligence. According to the cultural intelligence scale, the average score of the health staff was calculated to
be 96.54±18.43. This number was found to be 88.61±14.96 in the compassion scale. It was determined that t here was a
strong positive relationship (r=0.74) between the cultural intelligence and the feeling of compassion in the health staff.
We believe that the health staff that has a cultural intelligence would evaluate the patients considering cultural para meters
and thus be less judgmental and show more compassion.