Scientific Conference Black Sea Region at the Crossroads of Civilizations, Batumi, Gürcistan, 5 - 06 Haziran 2022, ss.35-42
Arhavi is one of the districts of Artvin Province in
the Eastern Black Sea Region. Arhavi Rock Carvings
(Petroglyphs) were detected and examined in 2017, and the research was carried
out with the permission of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of
studies conducted by the team under Osman Aytekin’s chairmanship in Artvin and
its environs since 1997 show that the Rock Carvings are unique for the region
as there are no similar ones in neighbouring areas.
Rock Paintings are located in the Demirkapı plateau
settlement at an altitude of 2000 m, belonging to Arılı Village of Arhavi
District which is accessible via a main road that provides access to the
plateau and continues towards Yusufeli plateaus, spread in a wide sloping
valley. They consist of single and multiple figures and motifs
processed with light scraping technique on smooth surfaces of numerous
different sized blocks of stone, broken off from the bedrock over time.
The main characters of the figured paintings are deer
and warriors on horses. The main
characters of the motifs are probably religious circular discs and compositions
reminiscent of a settlement.
In this study, is the researchers aim to share
information the Arhavi Rock Carvings with neighbouring scientific circles and
to evaluate their contents and periods in the presence of visual material
consisting of known similar examples.