2nd Eurasia Biochemical Approaches & Technologies (2.EBAT-2019) Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 26 - 29 October 2019, vol.1, no.12, pp.22
Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Vitamin E and Selenium on the necrotic
pathway against sodium fluoride toxicity in the NRK-52E kidney cell line.
Material-Method: Cells were grown in optimal conditions and prepared for analysis. Proliferative
concentration of vitamin E and selenium combination, ICF value of NaF was determined by MTT. In this
study, control (K), fluorine (F), vitamin E + selenium (E / Se) and fluorine + vitamin E / Se (FES) groups
were formed. RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis were performed 24 hours after the application of vitamin
E / Se and fluorine to the cells at the specified concentrations. Expression of necrotic genes was determined
by RT-PCR.
Results: The proliferation enhancing concentration of vitamin E / selenium at 24 hours (Vit E: 60 µM, Se:
0.01 µM) and the IC50 concentration of NaF (3200 µM) were found. In F and FES groups, Ripk1
expression increased by 2.7 and 5 times, Ripk3 increased by 8.3 and 5.1 times, respectively.
Conclusion: As a result, it was found that the fluoride given at IC50 concentration affects the necrotic
genes studied and the highest increase occurred in Ripk3. It can be concluded that vitamin E + selenium
given alone does not alter the genes much, and in the FES group, vitamin E + Se may reduce necroposis in
the toxicity caused by fluorine.
Keywords: fluorine, cell culture, vitamin E, selenium, necrosis