KURAM VE UYGULAMADA EGITIM BILIMLERI, vol.11, no.3, pp.1222-1227, 2011 (SSCI)
In this study, the level of ability to adopt and apply organizational democracy by teachers and administrators in primary schools are examined. The primary schools in Van have been classified in terms of sub, mid and upper socio-economic levels and 486 teachers and 71 administrators who work at the public primary schools which are randomly chosen have been taken to the sample. In this study, the "Organizational Democracy Scale" which was prepared by Seker was used as data collection tool. The data were interpreted by using SPSS software. Non-parametric tests were applied due to the non-normal distribution according to the Kolmogoroy Sminoy Test which has been examined over total score. In variables consisting two categories Mann Whitney-U test, in variables consisting more than two categories Kuruskal test and for determination of differences between variables, Mann Whitney-U test was used. As a result of study, it has been concluded that managers and teachers in primary schools have adopted organizational democracy but have reasonable view about practicability of organizational democracy.