SAGE OPEN, cilt.14, sa.4, ss.1-12, 2024 (SSCI)
This research aims to determine the typologies of basketball fans and reveal whether the variables differ according to the typologies. Criterion sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, was used in the sample selection to determine the typologies of basketball fans. In this context, 211 fans were included in the study. The ‘‘Fan Typology Scale’’ was used as a data collection tool. Skewness and kurtosis values were examined to determine whether the data set was suitable for normal dis tribution. After examining the data distribution, a two-stage hierarchical clustering analysis was used to reveal the fan typol ogy, and the research questions were tested with ANOVA and chi-square analyses. As a result, it was determined that basketball fans consist of three typologies. These are fanatic, classical, and social fans. When the distribution of fan groups according to typologies was analyzed, it was determined that most (43.6%) were classical, and the least (20.9%) were fanatic fans. Hooligan fans with violent tendencies did not emerge in this study conducted specifically for basketball. Considering the results that the percentage of fanatic fans with high averages in both fan behavior variables and motivations to support the team is lower in the distribution of basketball fans and that classic and social fan groups with motivations, such as entertain ment and socializing rather than supporting the team are in the majority, it can be said that meeting fan expectations is a more critical factor for basketball clubs compared to football clubs.
Keywords belonging, fan identification, loyalty, fanatic fan, social fan