KAFKAS UNIVERSITESI VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI, vol.15, no.4, pp.607-610, 2009 (SCI-Expanded)
This study was carried out prospectively in Van Meat Company and Van Municipality Slaughterhouse, Eastern Anatolian Region of Turkey. In the study, liver, lungs, spleen, hearth and other internal organs of 552 cattle and 1613 sheep slaughtered were inspected for cystic echinococcosis (CE). The organs were examined carefully with hands and the organs and cysts were cut with knife for confirmation of diagnose. It has been detected that 486 cattle and 1150 sheep slaughtered were entered to Van province from the Eastern border of Turkey. and 66 cattle and 463 sheep were breed in Van. Z test was used to evaluate the relationship of the CE's prevalence between the animals entered to Van province from the Eastern border of Turkey and breed in Van. CE was found in 22.63% of 486 cattle and 67.57% of 1150 sheep entered to Van province from Eastern border of the Country. The infection was determined in 6.06% of 66 cattle and in 28.94% of 463 sheep breed in Van. CE was totally detected in 20.65% of 552 cattle and in 56.48% of 1613 sheep. A significant independent relationship was found between the animals entered from the Eastern border of Turkey and breed in Van for CE's prevalence (P < 0.001).