Several Applications of New Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods in Survival Data Analysis

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Shamilov A., İnce N., Özdemir S.

5th International Researchers, Statisticians and Young Statisticians Congress, Aydın, Turkey, 18 - 20 October 2019, pp.348-356

  • Publication Type: Conference Paper / Full Text
  • City: Aydın
  • Country: Turkey
  • Page Numbers: pp.348-356
  • Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Affiliated: Yes


– In this paper, survival data analysis is realized by applying new Generalized Entropy Optimization Methods (GEOM) for solving Entropy Optimization Problems (EOP) consisting of optimizing a given entropy optimization measure subject to constraints generated by given moment vector functions. Mentioned problems in the form of GEOP2, GEOP3 based on GEOP1 have Generalized Entropy Optimization Distributions: GEOD2 in the form of ?????? ?? ???????????? , ?????? ?? ????????????; GEOD3 in the form of ?????? ?? ??????????????, ?????? ?? ??????????????, where H is the Jaynes optimization measure, D is KullbackLeibler optimization measure. It should be noted that formulation of GEOP1 uses only one optimization measure (H or D), however each of formulations of GEOP2, GEOP3 uses two measures H, D together. For this reason, survival data analysis by GEOD2 and GEOD3 acquires a new significance. In this research, given survival data is examined as application of developed new method. The performances of GEOD2 and GEOD3 are established by ChiSquare criteria, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) criteria, H and D measures.