17th International Clay Conference, İstanbul, Turkey, 25 - 29 July 2022, pp.333
The study area is located in in the northeast of Korkut district of Muş province and covers an area of
approximately 200 km². Three stratigraphic sections were measured from the area as Kelereşdere, Taşlıca
and Gültepe. A total of 506 m thick sedimentary sequence was measured along these sections and a
total of 80 samples were collected as the material to be studied. All of the samples were analyzed by
X-ray diffraction method, and the mineralogical compositions of the whole rock and clay fraction were
determined. Quartz, feldspar, mica, calcite, amphibole and clay minerals were determined in whole
rock compositions of the samples. In the clay fractions, smectite, illite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite, illitesmectite and serpentine minerals were detected as clay minerals. Scanning electron microscopy and energy
dispersive spectroscopy studies were conducted on five selected samples. The presence of clay minerals
such as serpentine, chlorite and smectite was observed in these samples. In this study, semi-quantitative
percentage ratios of whole rock components by X-ray diffraction were also calculated. Pipette analysis
was performed on selected samples and specific surface area was determined by BET method. Although
the clay percentages obtained from the pipette analysis results and the specific surface area determination
results were compatible, it was determined that they were not compatible with the semi-quantitative