Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, cilt.271, 2024 (SCI-Expanded)
A new strain configuration is presented concerning the ongoing convergence deformation field in the Turkish-Iranian High Plateau (TIHP), E Anatolia-NW Iran. The strain configuration is derived from the contribution of geodetic strain-rate fields using GPS velocity data to reveal new constraints not documented previously in the region. This provides good evidence for novel “highland shear strain zones” by analysis of the combination of interpolated GPS velocity fields and seismological observations with maximum principal strain axes. Both the strain-rate fields and rotational elements of the estimated geodetic deformation exhibit juxtaposed, patchy strain rate partitioning in E Anatolia-NW Iran. These comprise both compressional strain lobes combined with local extensional areas and large shear strain fields in the core of the collision where the rotation rate fields present an unexpected propagation zone of continuous, counterclockwise rotation towards the W. The main results define approximately N-S- and W-E-trending, large, continuous, diagonal shear strain patterns with high total strain rate and maximum shear strain rate, consistent with right-lateral strike-slip and normal focal mechanisms. These are the Longitudinal Shear Zone (LSZ) extending from S to N and dividing the TIHP into the E Anatolia and NW Iran blocks, and the right-lateral Transcurrent Shear Zone (TSZ) extending from E (NW Iran) to W (E Anatolia). These differential movements of the inconsistent LSZ and TSZ shape both the highly buoyant plateau topography and the area, which undergoes migration to the W with respect to stable Eurasia by means of plateau push. Geodetic deformation compatible with fault focal data indicates that the LSZ and TSZ, in the framework of thermal and mechanical changes in the structure of the lithospheric thickness beneath the TIHP, are invaded and shaped by flowing mantle material that triggers and drives lateral escape of convergent crustal blocks, and configures the convergence with a shear-dominated deformation regime. The shear regime is primarily driven by NE- and NW-directed mantle flow fields and associated buoyancy forces due to slab fragmentation and tears in the region, exerting dominant control over the differential evolution of the LSZ and TSZ patterns. The new strain configuration for this convergence illuminates “the highland tectonics of large shear zones” resulting from slab thinning or its absence, and challenges conventional tectonic strain models in the TIHP.